Dear 2020,
When we began our correspondence on January 1 in my diary, I had no clue how bat-shit crazy you’d be. I’m used to being the wild one, so to be honest, I was a taken a bit off guard. That said, I’d like to thank you.
Thank you for forcing me to slow down, for allowing me to zoom into my grad school classes in my PJs from bed, for giving me an extra hour of sleep a night, and for taking away my silly late night antics that leave me struggling for days.
Thank you for the opportunity to spend time with people I otherwise wouldn’t have had the gift of spending that time with, for giving me months with my Mom and her new adorable puppy, Bear, and several weeks away with girlfriends.
Thank you for making me realize I am not alone. The last four years have been really hard on my family: losing my Dad, almost losing my Mom, selling my childhood home, and at multiple times, losing my health. Going through all of the losses of 2020 with so many others has made me feel connected again in ways I haven’t in years given that I was feeling that world was moving on without me.
Thank you for teaching me what I’m really bad at, and while I’m very resilient in certain situations, for teaching me when and where I’m not. These lessons will allow me to better choose professional and personal opportunities in which I will thrive. Without you, I wouldn’t have learned these valuable lessons.
Lastly, thank you for pushing me to take a step I wouldn’t have to guts to take without you.
It’s been a ride, but I’m in a better place today than I was a year ago without you. For that reason on its own, I thank you. Now, it’s time for a new ride…