What is one thing you want to let go of?
Lately, I’ve found self-classifying as something I really take pride in and in a way even liberating.
Female. Wife. Mother. Vegan. Agnostic. Democrat. New Yorker. European. Polyglot.
And while I thought that being part of a group would feel more tribal and supportive, I’ve noticed though that the more self-labeling I’ve been doing, the more isolated I’ve become.
I don’t want to engage in people who do not share my ideas or philosophies. I want to retreat away because honestly I’m too lazy to argue, I’m too close-minded to understand their perspectives, I’m too judgmental to give their voice validity, and I’m too tired to care. It’s privilege.
And while I can’t ever “let go” of privilege, I want to work on letting go of my attitude of convenience and start seeing us all for what we are, human beings.